Prinsip kerja mesin cetak suntikan


Mesin cetak suntikanjuga disebut mesin suntikan, yang merupakan peralatan cetak utama yang menggunakan acuan plastik untuk membuat plastik termoplastik atau termoset menjadi pelbagai bentuk produk plastik. Termasuk menegak, mendatar, dan semua elektrik. Mesin cetak suntikan dapat memanaskan plastik dan memberikan tekanan tinggi pada plastik cair untuk menyuntikkannya untuk mengisi rongga acuan.

Mesin cetak suntikan dan jarum suntikan yang digunakan untuk suntikan mempunyai prinsip kerja yang agak serupa. Ini adalah proses di mana plastik keadaan lebur (misalnya, keadaan aliran likat) plastik disuntikkan ke dalam rongga acuan tertutup oleh tujahan skru (atau pelocok), dan produk tersebut diperoleh setelah pemejalan dan pembentukan.

Pertama, masukkan plastik berbutir atau serbuk ke dalam tongmesin cetak suntikan. Plastik dileburkan dengan putaran of the screw and the outer wall of the barrel. Then the machine closes the mold and moves the injection seat forward, and the nozzle is close to the gate of the mold. , And then pass the pressure oil through the injection cylinder and push the screw forward. Thus, the molten material is injected into the closed mold with a lower temperature at a high pressure and a faster speed. After a certain period of time and pressure holding (also called pressure holding), cooling, solidification and molding, the product can be opened and the product can be taken out. (To ensure that the product has a certain density and dimensional tolerances, it is the purpose of maintaining pressure to supplement the material in the cavity to avoid the reflux of the melt in the cavity). Plasticization, injection and molding are the basic requirements of injection molding. The prerequisite for the quality of the formed product to be achieved and guaranteed is plasticization, and there is a high pressure response in the cavity (20-45MPa is usually the average pressure in the cavity), so the mesin cetak suntikan has enough Large clamping force. It can be seen that the injection device and clamping device of the key part of the mesin cetak suntikan.

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