Perhatian harus diberikan semasa mesin cetak suntikan ditutup


Sekiranyamesin cetak suntikan is suspended, the remaining plastic must be sprayed out or let the plastic pass through the mesin cetak suntikan to clean the remaining plastic in the injection cylinder or barrel. In case of plastic fading, the number of blow-outs will increase. For minor repairs; the heater of the injection cylinder must be adjusted to the maximum value, such as 150°C, to minimize the possibility of thermal decomposition.

Before injecting thermally stable plastics (such as PS or PE), if you have shut down for one night in advance, you only need to turn off the sliding plate at the bottom of the hopper and the heater of the injection cylinder (only the heater of the nozzle is turned on), and the injection cylinder is blown out clean. After the nozzle is completely cleaned, cool the barrel as high as possible. After the mesin cetak suntikan has cooled down, turn off all equipment. The mesin cetak suntikansiap sepenuhnya untuk memanaskan semula.
Sekiranyatemperature of the injection cylinder or barrel is high, only slightly modify the above steps to prevent the resin from being decomposed by heat. For example, turn off the heater of the injection cylinder (only turn on the heater of the nozzle), or cool the barrel as high as possible, during which the remaining resin is continuously sprayed out. Close the slide plate at the bottom of the hopper, and try to spray the oblique rubber in the barrel again. If no more plastic is sprayed, the equipment can be closed for the next use.

Sekiranyaplastic decomposes or burns in the mesin cetak suntikan, it will eventually change color, making the finished product waste. In this case, the mesin cetak suntikanmesti ditutup sepenuhnya dan semburkan bersih. Kaedah pencegahan adalah menggunakan plastik dengan kestabilan terma yang lebih tinggi untuk mengeluarkan resin sensitif panas sehingga dapat menahan pemanasan selanjutnya.
Some plastics (such as POM, PVC) are easy to decompose. Sekiranyamachine stops suddenly during injection molding, the heater of the nozzle should be turned on before the injection is continued. Only when the plastic has the nozzle melted, can the heater of the injection cylinder be turned on. The temperature of the shooting cylinder or barrel should be adjusted to about 140°C. Then raise the temperature to the processing temperature, and spray the remaining plastic as soon as possible. The sprayed plastic must be put into cold water. If you want to change other plastics, use PS or PE natural, non-fireproof grades as the cleaning agent; if the remaining material is not completely sprayed, please do not mix POM with PVC, or mix them one after another.

Sebelum menghentikan mesin atau menukar ke jenis plastik lain, periksa apakah langkah yang diambil betul. Pembekal bahan telah mencetak dan menyiapkan buku kecil dengan maklumat yang mencukupi. Baca dengan teliti sebelum operasi untuk memahami "prosedur penutupan standard" yang diperlukan untuk setiap plastik. Brosur hendaklah diletakkan di sebelahmesin cetak suntikansupaya pengendali dapat membacanya pada bila-bila masa.

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